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Please remember that shipping times via carriers (UPS, FedEx, etc) are estimates for time in transit only, and that they do not apply until the product leaves Explore Scientific’s facilities. As the delivery of your order is beyond Explore Scientific’s control once your order leaves Explore Scientific’s facilities, Explore Scientific cannot assume liability for late deliveries or delivery errors, regardless of the delivery method that it is sent.

Undeliverable Packages: Occasionally packages are returned to Explore Scientific as undeliverable. When the carrier returns an undeliverable package to Explore Scientific, please contact Explore Scientific to make arrangements for reshipment.

Failed Delivery Attempts: Most of Explore Scientific’s carriers make three attempts to deliver a package. After three delivery attempts, the carrier will return the package to Explore Scientific.

Product Availability
Explore Scientific makes every effort to ship your product according to the estimated lead times. The estimated lead times are in business days (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays). Lead times quoted are for orders that are partially shipped, meaning that items ship as soon as they are available. If you have requested a complete shipment, please add three to four additional days for transportation and order consolidation processing (lead time may also vary depending on product availability).

Although Explore Scientific makes every effort to ship your order according to the lead-time provided, shipping dates may change due to changes in supply. If the lead-time changes, Explore Scientific will contact you via email and provide a revised shipping estimate.

To contact us at 1-888-599-7597 for your order status information.

Given the popularity of some products, Explore Scientific may restrict the number of such items that you may purchase. Explore Scientific will post limitations on quantity on the Explore Scientific Store web site or will inform you of product purchase limits at the time it processes your order. Explore Scientific reserves the right to change quantities available for purchase at any time.

Explore Scientific makes every effort to supply you with the products you order, but there may be occasions when Explore Scientific confirms orders but learns that it cannot supply the ordered products, either at all or in the quantities ordered. These occasions can include when Explore Scientific learns that the products no longer are being manufactured or they otherwise become unavailable to Explore Scientific, or when there was a pricing error at the Explore Scientific Store when you ordered. In those circumstances, Explore Scientific will contact you to inform you and, if you are interested, Explore Scientific may suggest alternative products that might meet your needs. If you do not wish to order alternative products, Explore Scientific will cancel your order for products Explore Scientific cannot supply and for any other products that you no longer wish to order as a result, and will refund your purchase price for those products.

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